Zagreb Heroes in-line hockey


The new in-line hockey team from Zagreb requested new logo and uniforms. THe deadline was tight, but they were happy with our first attempt. They wanted to pay respect to Croatian war heroes, therefore I chose the image of a general to represent them. Any resemblance to a real person is purely coincidental. This doesn’t reflect my political views.


European Crusaders footy jumper


European Crusaders are Aussie Rules Footy team made of players all around Europe. They are French Legion of Aussie Rules. They only play at annual Euro Cups. THe idea was to create jumper that looks like an actual ancient Crusaders uniform, only instead of red and white with European blue nad gold.

Austrian footy jumper


As promised, here is the image of the new Austrian footy jumper. Austria commision LR51 to create new logo and jumper, as they are trying to establish themself as an up and coming footy nation, and trying yo put behing the past, eantering the new era with mean black and silver jumper. They are nicknamed Avalanche, while jumper only has image of mountain. That is couse players themself are avalanche coming from that mountain.